πŸ‘ Sextext.me - The Fastest Growing Community of Sexting Users

Age 22 male, on Lovense app

Add me on Lovense app for control over my devices, (Max2 and Edge) Girls wanted preferably, but girls don’t use this site so.. I’ll take what I can get. πŸ˜‚You’ll see me on now and then, (every day or so) and if your lucky 2 times a day. I’m happy to help you out also πŸ˜‰ If I don’t see anyone on I’ll usually use control links on sextext, but will always check app first, if genuine have/send a photo of yourself (not face) via app msg or have it as profile pic, I don’t judge so don’t worry, just need to know who it is that’s in control of me for future sessions πŸ’“ Pls, read if interested.

Lovense toy:Max 2

Sexting Accounts

Lovense: hornyguy22
